We respond within 12-24 hrs... really!
MEMBER Hours of Operation
Every day: Open 5:00AM - Closed 10:00PM

EastonFitness (EF) is not your typical gym! We put all of our efforts into offering a unique approach to this thing we call “The Gym”. Our community is built of members, clients & coaches that all care about your health, wellness, and friendship. A large portion of our community has been with us for over 7 years, dating back to when we were solely a personal training studio. By opening the new and improved Easton Fitness and inviting all to join us, our mission remains stronger than ever: we will continue helping our friends improve their health and to continue building our community!
Your Friends in Fitness! ~Team EF
Hi! My name is Joe Friz! After a lengthy career in the aviation industry, I decided it was time for me to regain my health and set out in a new direction. My Journey in the health & fitness industry started when I decided I needed the help of a personal trainer. Over the course of a year, I lost 65 pounds and set some new goals for myself. Now it's my turn to help people with their goals! If not now then when? It's time to take back your health! Join the gym! Easton Fitness.

We are proud of our 5-star ratings and reviews on Google and Facebook.
We do not have locker rooms. Rather, we have private bathrooms each with a single shower stall.
We are open early (5 AM) and we close late (10 PM) every day of the year.
We challenge you to find a cleaner gym. We take pride in being organized and spotless.
We take safety seriously. All of our members and clients gain access to the gym via our secured app.
The atmosphere @EF is extremely friendly, inviting, motivating, and inclusive. When you come to EF, you will not feel like a stranger.